Tuesday, 15 November 2016

How to make honey garlic wings


How to make honey garlic wings 

Chicken wings with honey are a delicious compliment to any barbecue or picnic. The recipe is quite simple!
3 pounds chicken wings or pestles
1 cup of honey
Soy sauce 1/2 cup
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons ketchup
Salt and pepper to taste

Cut the wings, if necessary, into two parts.
Season chicken pieces with salt and pepper. Combine honey, soy sauce and ketchup in medium bowl. Mix the ingredients.
Place the wings in the slow cooker, and pour the sauce all day over.Cook on bass, or bake in a shallow dish for 1 hour at 375 degree adjustment.
The chicken is cooked when the sauce is caramelized and the inside of the meat is well cooked.

Have fun!
