Tuesday, 22 November 2016

How to make Potato Chips


How to make Potato Chips 

Prepackaged potatoes are easy to find and cheap to buy, but they do not have the same sweet flavor and versatile options that house the chips. Potatoes can easily be sliced ​​and potatoes cooked in their own boiler. Use the type of oil and seasoning when cooking kettle potatoes to customize an appetizer that suits your tastes.
Clean and peel the potatoes you need depending on the amount of chips you want to make. If you want healthier toes leave the skin clean and good.
A medium-sized potato provides about 10 to 15 chips, although the amounts vary depending on the size of the potato and how thin it looks.
Idaho potatoes are recommended for the chips, but you can use whatever variety you have on hand.
Cut the potatoes as thin as you want, place the slices in a large bowl of water to remove excess starch and prevent browning.
A mandolin cutter can be used to cut a thin and uniform and greater convenience.
Fill 1/3 of a large pot with oil of your choice and heat to 300 degrees Fahrenheit (149 degrees Celsius).

Recommended oils include canola, rice and vegetables because they have little flavor and do not change the taste of potatoes. Canola oil is the healthiest of these options as it is low in saturated fats and high in heart healthy omega-3 fats.
Transfer the potato slices into the large bowl of water in a colander. Shake off excess water and pat dry potato slices with paper towels. Mix the potato slices in hot oil, cook until they appear white and matte. Remove slices of oil with a slotted spoon and place in a dish covered with paper towels.
Do not whip the potato slices. Cook in separate batches with each batch composed of a single layer on the surface of the oil.
Increase hot oil to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (177 degrees Celsius) and re-dipped chips, batch cooking until golden sparks and crisp.Transfer with the skimmer to a dish covered with fresh paper towels. Pat chips gently with paper towels in extra to absorb excess oil with salt oil.Saason or seasoning you want.
Depending on your tastes, you can combine common salt with garlic powder, cayenne pepper, onion powder, mustard powder, dill or other seasoning mixtures.
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